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Opinion: How the 'Woke' Groom Children to Taste the Rainbow

Writer's picture: Jonathan P. HendersonJonathan P. Henderson

In the photo: Drag Queen Nina West

In 2013, the British Parliament redefined marriage within the United Kingdom. Despite no mentioning of such a radical shift in policy within the Conservative Party's manifesto, Prime Minister David Cameron announced that only members of Parliament would, and could, decide the fate of marriage. Two years later, in America, promoters of religious liberty were forced to taste from the same LGBT rainbow. Unlike her British counterparts, though, marriage was redefined by the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges (2015). The unprecedented attacks on religious liberty and American culture by the LGBT movements after SCOTUS's decision exploded when the trans agenda demanded that public gender-specific bathrooms be replaced with unisex ones. "The alphabet" community now expands its influence onto our children. But they couldn't have succeeded without felling the Hippocratic Oath first.

The non-medical term, even the concept behind 'homosexuality', didn't exist before 'homosexual' German-Hungarian publicist Karl Heinrich Ulrichs invented it in 1864. Ulrichs sought "to free people like himself from the legal, religious, and social condemnation of homosexual acts as unnatural" by altering the quality to "refer to the nature of the individual, and not to the acts performed." While considered a legal problem on paper, the invention of this mythical condition was intended as the final solution "to a religious issue," the primary cultural catalyst which Ulrichs believed drove "The study… intertwined with the struggle to eliminate state proscriptions against homosexual practices." Because sex commonly serves as a political tool for designing "a social construct, an emergent property of social exchange," the medical community, through another new invention, 'sexology', expanded this phenomenon beyond the old neutral legalistic "scientific medical model" for emancipating homosexuals by observing behavioral patterns contributing to their inborn, natural and congenital "perversion, sickness, and deficiency." Political activists and legal scholars then sought to reclassify homosexuality as a medical disorder, not a sin or crime.

Clinical psychologist Dr. John Money has pointed out that once a person's gender identity is psychologically 'imprinted,' it's nearly impossible to reverse through psychotherapy. For example, a relatively new product called Tuck Buddies was designed to aid 'transgender' girls as young as five to hide their penises in order to condition them to reject their nature. It was described precisely as a 'comfortable underwear option for transgender kids' that provides an additional layer at the front to 'provide a bit of padding and coverage.' Yet one customer wrote that her "five and a half-year-old trans daughter […] pretty much always presented as a female," and "As an infant, everyone assumed she was a baby girl." But "after transitioning," the lady wrote, "she really started noticing her penis more, and complaining about it 'bother(ed) her in all kinds of different ways." Amid great anxiety, this woman fretted over her daughter "outing herself unintentionally" based on her decision to transform her body at such a young age. So after purchasing a pair of Tuck Buddies, her child allegedly exclaimed, "Mama! These fix all my problems!"

Making a similar case, Dr. John M. Grohol wrote of the hypothetical struggles of a middle-aged man seeking medical attention for Erectile Dysfunction through Viagra while turning "to alcohol or denial to deal with his depression," or a woman who "will go for an annual pap smear to guard against cancer, but refuses to acknowledge that eating has become an emotional issue rather than just about nutrition." In America, Pew Research found that homosexuals are twice as likely to be 'religiously unaffiliated than any other demographic ostensibly due to once prevailing views of its sinful nature. Randall Collins, an American sociologist, argues that human sexuality can only be understood from a social context, given sexual intercourse is not only the means for species survival and interconnectivity, "but at connectedness with others." These examples may legitimize the argument that homosexuals might self-medicate to cover for insecurities based on the private pain and shame emerging from childhood experiences.

Further exposing a seemingly psychological (and likely, spiritual) chain reaction, a 2002 medical study by Dr. Steve Baldwin found that both child molestation and pedophilia occur far more commonly among homosexuals than heterosexuals. Furthermore, "Overwhelming evidence supports the belief that homosexuality is a sexual deviancy often accompanied by disorders that have dire consequences for our culture." His research is corroborated by Dr. Judith Reisman, who included in her thesis citations from psychologist Eugene Abel's research, which found that homosexuals "sexually molest young boys with an incidence that is occurring from five times greater than the molestation of girls," and that "Abel's data of 150.2 boys abused per male homosexual offender finds no equal in heterosexual violations of 19.8 girls." Reisman also pointed out that "the mainstream homosexual culture (e.g., the North American Man/Boy Love Association, or NAMBLA) commonly promotes sex with children." A 1977 survey of 225 lesbian and 233 heterosexual women by R.H. Gundlach found that 30% of heterosexual women and 21% of homosexual women had been raped. "Of the 30 women who had been raped before the age of 14," according to Gundlach, "26 had an adult homosexual orientation while 9 had an adult heterosexual orientation." Additionally, the Gundlach study found that "Sixteen of the 17 girls, age 4 to 16, molested or seduced (6 for a long time) by a relative or close family friend are lesbians as adults," and thenceforth, their "attitudes about the incident were highly determined by parental reactions."

Bertrand Russell also helped organize the Founding of Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) on 17 February 1958 in London, England.

Within the pages of his 1952 book The Impact of Science on Society, Bertrand Russell poo-poos on "cruel and dangerous" sexual taboos as byproducts of language built on tradition and religiosity due to their so-called "effects of unnatural repression of the child's strongest impulses". Beginning "At puberty," Russell advocated for "the elements of an unsuperstitious sexual morality… to be taught," and that "Boys and girls should be taught that… mutual inclination" and "methods of birth control" will ensure "children […] only come when they are wanted." (This foreshadows 'The Pill' released eight years later.) Since the 1960s, the LGBT agenda has destabilized the West's understanding of morality through the free market ('woke capitalism') and Hollywood. (For example, the word 'gay' remains hijacked from its original meaning.) As outdoor Gay Pride parades reenact erotic rituals akin to orgies in the bedroom, sodomites expose small children to vulgar gyrations and other gestures in broad daylight. After selling 'sex' to three successive generations of Americans through advertising their consumer goods and influencing pop culture, these strategies have succeeded beyond the elites' wildest dreams.

Mass psychology opened the door for humanist technocrats to form a 'scientific dictatorship' using excuses like gender and sexuality, climate change, COVID-19, and the Great Reset. Russell explained that "Religion plays a part (e.g., 'progressive' Christianity), though a diminishing one; (while) the press, the cinema, and the radio play an increasing part." In pop culture or the media, verses set to music, repeatedly intoned (or subliminal messages and recurring themes over television or social media), prove very effective. Today, the Internet and cable television are the primary conduits through which the Left targets cultural taboos under terms such as unconscious biases for deconstruction. For example, Vladimir Nabokov's iconic novel Lolita captured the public's imagination over a man's affair with a teenaged girl, and its film adaptations, beginning with Stanley Kubrick's original 1962 adaptation, remain heavily marketed off the silver screen. There was Calvin Klein's racy 1980 jean commercial featuring a 13-year old Brooke Shields. ("You wanna know what gets between me and my Calvins? Nothing.") The scene featuring Fitch sleeping with Stifler's mom (played by Jennifer Coolidge) from American Pie (1999) and the single "Stacy's Mom" released by Fountains of Wayne in 2003 unleashed the MILF genre (Mom I'd Like to F***) onto the world, especially in pornography.

In 2020, we learned that Netflix's film Cuties, which featured little girls engaged in provocative dancing, could be used to groom children for sexual abuse. More recently, the LGBT movements' expansion of grooming tactics for small children included the LEGO toy company announcing the release of its rainbow "Everyone is Awesome" set for kids just in time for Pride month. In the last few years, Nickelodeon (owned by ViacomCBS) has repeatedly propagandized and sexualized its prepubescent audience by sneaking adult sexuality into children's content. Earlier this year, Nickelodeon peddled homosexual grooming tactics in the animated television series Blues Clues & You, transsexuals and bisexuals have appeared in SpongeBob SquarePants and in The Adventures of Korra, and Henry Danger. And just last week, the network featured a flamboyant drag queen promoting Pride month. That performance concluded with the notorious 'fist pump' emblem commonly attributed to communist organizations.

The 'most influential' of "modern methods of propaganda" is what Russell called 'education.' He understood "that in time anybody will be able to persuade anybody of anything if he can catch the patient young and is provided by the state with money and equipment." In reality, the purpose of 'sex education' is to deconstruct the common language through which the West articulates its understanding of sex and sexual orientation by linking it together with race to achieve what Russell described to be an immeasurable "increase of human happiness." (Think of teachers handing out condoms for 'safe sex', while avoiding teaching abstinence.) For instance, according to Psychology Today (PT) columnist Noam Shpancer, "… many people are having sex right now without pleasure or any expectation of it." Many women also fake orgasms. Therefore, driving one's partner (or self) to an orgasm will depend on an individual's association, presence, and conduct. Displays of affection in the bedroom are acquired tastes arbitrary to the circumstances behind the actual sexual encounter. Before 1973, psychiatrists had defined homosexuality as a "sexually-deviant" behavior wrought with impulses that include sodomizing inanimate objects, voyeurism (pornography), children (pedophilia), bestiality and exhibitionism. Not coincidentally, the gay lobby, whose power came to full fruit that year (the same year incidentally that SCOTUS ruled on Roe v. Wade), admitted hijacking the American Psychiatric Association's (APA) diagnostic authority. Studies like WebMD's findings, which omit past studies, will report that "Most people feel that their sexual orientation is not a matter of choice." From this, we can conclude that people have been sufficiently secularized and brainwashed the phrase 'Love is love' to be an ontological phenomenon, not a matter that love or sex are byproducts of grooming.

Russell observed that the influence of the home is obstructive. Therefore, not much can be done unless children are indoctrinated before they are ten years old when pubescents begin experiencing their first sexual encounters. At the same time, they learn of their natural physiological characteristics needed for reproduction. It's no coincidence, therefore, that President Obama called for ending "segregation" in condemning religious schools while in Northern Ireland in 2013 or that Germany bans homeschooling. The Democrats' proposed Equality Act would politicize the medical industry by intentionally creating conflicts with parents, doctors, and the government while eliminating parental authority over their children. No matter the age, parents, and physicians must yield to the child's wish for transgender operations and puberty blockers to be provided. The repercussions for parental opposition to similar bills, according to Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-MO), would reflect those in Ohio, where parents "had their parental rights taken away from them because they refused to go along with giving hormone treatments to their teenage child."

It's no wonder then that Baldwin concluded from his research that "it is time to acknowledge that homosexual behavior threatens the foundation of Western civilization―the nuclear family." After all, according to Jeffrey Week, the 'fundamental aim' for the LGBT crowd and advocates for normalizing pedophilia is to acquire the political power to whet their appetites through the total 'regulation and control' of the bedroom.

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About the Author:

Jonathan P. Henderson (B.A. in History, Minor in Pol. Sci.; Univ. of Tennessee, 2012) is a resident of Knoxville, TN. He is Owner/Administrator/Editor-in-Chief of The Conservative Historical Review and a blogger/columnist for PolitiChicks and Intellectual Conservative.


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