Social Security New Policy Allows “Self-Attestation of Sex Marker”
In a statement released Wednesday, the Social Security Administration announced a new policy which “offers people the choice to self-select their sex on their Social Security number (SSN) record.”
Applicants are no longer required to provide medical or legal documentation of their “sex designation.” However, they are required to provide “a current document to prove their identity.” The self identified sex will be accepted by the administration regardless of the sex listed on other government documentation like a driver’s license or passport.
Kilolo Kijakazi, Acting Commissioner of Social Security was quoted in the press release saying,
“The Social Security Administration’s Equity Action Plan includes a commitment to decrease administrative burdens and ensure people who identify as gender diverse or transgender have options in the Social Security Number card application process.”
Those wanting to change their sex marker can apply for a new SSN card. As of now, the only recordable sexes are male and female though the administration is seeking to add a non-binary option.
According to a UCLA School of Law Williams Institute study, less than 2% of Americans are estimated to request a non-binary identification card.
“We estimate that 1.4% of the nonbinary LGBTQ population in the U.S., or 16,700 people, may request passports with an X gender marker each year. This estimate is based upon current demand for X gender markers on driver’s licenses in states which allow such an option.”
As of April, the Biden Administration allows non-binary passports.
Alongside the Department of Housing and Urban Development which now allows transgendered people into previously sex divided homeless shelters, the Social Security Administration is another in line with Biden’s gender policy changes.